Get medical attention if:

1. Feel like you can’t breathe

2. Persistent pain or pressure in the chest

3. New confusion or you can’t get up

4. Purplish lips or face

Report Case

Here, you can help us determine your symptoms by dragging the slider on each symptoms page afteryou select next. For symptoms you don't experience, select skip to move to the next one. You can also add more specific description of those symptoms in the comment box provided below each page.

Do you suspect a person has Coronavirus COVID-19? *
Has the person been in contact with someone diagnosed with Coronavirus COVID-19? *
Did the person travel out of state recently? *
Does the person have a fever? *
Does the person have a cough? *
Does the person have a sore throat? *
Is the person experiencing shortness of breath? *
Enter information of person being reported
Enter your contact details